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Stride Blues Piano

Art Tatum  was known to the world of jazz piano as the supreme master of the keyboard.  Mostly self-taught, Tatum played with the speed of light. He passed away in 1959 and is still idolized by other jazz pianists, many of whom have vainly attempted to emulate his brilliant style over the years. From infancy, Tatum had impaired vision, probably  most involving cataracts. As a result of eye operations, by the age of 11 Tatum could see objects close to him and distinguish colors. But an assault on him  left him completely blind in his left eye and with limited vision in his right. He was independent-minded and generous with his time and money. He disliked having attention drawn to his blindness and did not want to be physically led onstage, so he would practice his independent walk to the piano.

A piano exercise, Stride Blues Piano, can be obtained as a No-C-Notes audio description through the catalog at

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